God created Adam in His own image and he told him he has
dominion over all the plants, creatures, birds and beasts of the earth. In the
same way we have dominion over the creatures of the earth but for our lives
only God has a say. We are called to preserve the sanctity of life right from
conception to natural death.
People are cruising in ignorance over prolific matters
despite being inculcated with the knowledge to choose what is prolific. The
information they have seems ceremonial. Even with fundamental biology education
one is made to know that a fetus is a living creature with multiplying cells,
just saying.
Let us take full responsibility of our actions. Whatever consequences
arise because of certain wrong choices we made, we are not allowed to use
wayward ‘simplistic’ avenues to buy ourselves out of those compromising situations.
You engage in pre-marital sex then you get pregnant then live with it, it is a
choice you made.
We should uphold chastity. We should not shy away from the
truth. We all know that sex was instituted only in marriage to serve three
things concurrently; recreation, unity and pleasure. The moment we separate and
try to use one that is where we go wrong. In America, a study was done on
marriage. It was noted that 50% of all the marriages fail, that’s obvious. Out of
the99% of the marriages that succeeded was because the couple upheld chastity. It
is as easy as that. But is hard to go by that considering the current trend in
which many people are subscribing to. But in Christianity, sacrifice is our day
to day obligation.
Abortion is never right and will never be right. Even in our
constitution it is prohibited. Other atrocities like genocide, mercy killing,
suicide should be heavily condemned. Homosexuality by itself is a vice. It goes
against the natural law and also Gods laws of recreation.
We should at all times desist from activities that are
non-prolific. Getting overly drunk and driving is in itself non-prolific. Use of
contraceptives, bearing in mind that others are abortificients is wrong. If there is need for family planning then
natural planning is the best option. We do not need to ingest chemicals whose contents
may tamper with the functioning of our bodies.
Whatever is happening is all attributed to the metamorphosizing
society, amidst technological advancements, is also trying to get an easy way
out in some aspects of Christianity by using the wrong methodologies. Let us
not turn a blind eye on these issues affecting us and help each other return
sanity into our society and Christianity. JOIN PRO-LIFERS in St.
Paul’s Chapel Every Thursday as from 8pm in St. Thomas hall as we tackle
the above issues, family life and relationships.
It won't be that easy for the current society that we live in to embrace those prolific practices...A lot of awareness should be carried out especially among the kids in highschool and campus.